Monday, April 21, 2008

la otra...

Lorena suggested that the photo below would be better in color... I think that I still like it better in b&w - but here it is so that you can compare... what do you think?


Sasha McKinney said...

I love the black and white!
You are such a great observer and photographer.

By the way, I used to get so many of those spam comments, but once I set it up so that people had to use the Word Verification before leaving comments, the problem was solved!

Jason said...

I can see why people like the black and white picture, but I like the color. I think we tend to romantasize the black and white because it reminds us of the past. But we have always been in the present, even in the past, and it has always been in color. Aside from that, I like the juxtaposition between the blue sky and the lights, which we wouldn't think would go together.

~Frooghi's~ said...

both beautiful. but color wins in my book!

lilo. said...

ufff... ni comparacion :p

es que el azul del cielo es tan lindo.